Montreal Gazette

Montreal Gazette newspaper front page

Subscribe to the Montreal Gazette and dive into Montreal’s most comprehensive news coverage. As a newspaper renowned for its robust local focus, engaging feature articles, and thought-provoking editorial content, the Montreal Gazette ensures its readers are always well-informed and connected. Whether you're interested in local developments, politics, business, or cultural insights, our subscription plans are tailored to meet your needs. Opt for home delivery on your preferred days and join a community of readers who value depth, accuracy, and relevance in journalism. Don't miss out on our special subscription offers—subscribe today and become a part of Montreal's informed public.

What should I expect from Montreal Gazette Customer Service?
You should expect responsive customer care that allows you to review and update your delivery and billing information, stop delivery of your newspaper when you're away, discover special promotions and notify the Montreal Gazette of any questions or comments you have.

By what time should I expect the paper to be delivered?
In most areas, the paper will be delivered by 6:30 AM on weekdays, and 8:00 AM on Saturdays. Of course, we strive to maintain these guidelines as much as possible, however, there are always extenuating circumstances, such as inclement weather, that might cause your newspaper delivery to be delayed. If your paper does not come on a scheduled delivery date, please contact Montreal Gazette as soon as possible to receive credit.

When will Montreal Gazette home delivery start?
The lead time to start delivery on a new order varies by area. In most areas, new orders begin within 5 to 7 days after the order request is received. Your expected start date will be shown on the confirmation screen after you place an order. If you have any questions about your start date, or if your newspaper subscription does not begin as scheduled on the first day, please contact the Montreal Gazette, so that we can send a reminder notification to the delivery carrier in your area.

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